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Link to Licence conditions   Link to technical basics   Link to feeders and antennas

Link to Transmitters and Receivers   Link to Propagation   Link to pages on Safety   Link to Electromagnetic Compatibility

Link to Operating practice and proceedure    Link to the general index page at the start of the Foundation licence section

Section 3
Transmitters and Receivers


3C1 Recall that the oscillator in a simple transmitter sets the frequency on which the transmitter operates.

Block diagram of a Transmitter

So where is the oscillator in a radio transmitter. it is located in the Frequency Gen and by doing so cause interference to other or stage which can also be called the Oscillator Stage. and this sets the frequency upon which the Transmitter operates

Recall that incorrect setting of this stage can result in operation outside the amateur band and interference to other users.

As this stage sets the operating frequency and error here or incorrect setting by the operator could result in an RF signal radiating outside the prescribed Amateur Radio Band as set out in your licence and thereby cause interference to other radio spectrum users.

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The origin of some of the text on this page is from the RSGB with additions by the web master